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9 posts

Selfie Mania: Photography's Quiet Revolution
Taking instant & endless pictures of ourselves (selfies) represents a quiet, yet significant, visual revolution in photography. Find out more!
Mon Sep 04 2023

Photojournalism Tips: 4 Reasons Why You Should Only Use One Lens
Here are four good reasons why you should only use one lens in photojournalism, to increase your chances of creating truly candid images.
Mon Jun 26 2023

Snapping Out of It: Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Photography Hobby
Find out some of the challenges of starting a photography hobby for beginner photographers. Tyler Mulvaney he shares his experience.
Mon Jun 12 2023

A Powerful Way to Stay Relevant in an AI-driven World
Discover how a simple but powerful change in persepctive can help to future-proof yourself as a photographer in this AI-driven world.
Tue Mar 28 2023

Kittiya Pawloski's Controversial Snow Leopard: Is it Fake and Does it Matter?
Kittiya Pawloski's Controversial Snow Leopard - Was she wrong present an image that had no relation to what she actually saw?
Fri Jan 13 2023

Create a Knockout Photographic Portfolio with These 5 Expert Tips
Create a Knockout Photographic Portfolio- find out how to create a portfolio to wow any editor in only a few minutes.
Thu Nov 10 2022

6 Interesting Pros and Cons of Smartphones vs Cameras
Smartphones vs cameras - which is better? Can they be compared? Find out about 6 interesting pros and cons of using each.
Tue Sep 27 2022

How photography has shifted our perspective of war
War photography has helped educate, create awareness, and shape public perceptions about war throughout history.
Tue Mar 29 2022

Do NFTs Signal a New Future for Stock Photography?
For years photographers have been complaining about declining fees for stock photography. Could NFTs be the answer to this downward trend?
Sat Feb 12 2022